Galvanic Timed Releases for Commercial Fishermen

You may purchase our Galvanic Timed Releases from any of our authorized dealers


Product Images

This picture shows our Standard range on the top row with releases ranging from 1 to 14 days

The bottom row shows some custom releases with durations from 1 hour to 100 days.

These are some other custom releases we have made.

The HL500 Galvanic Timed Release loads 50 to 500 pounds.

mechanically advantaged undersea release

Our HL1000 is a mechanically advantaged release mechanism for loads greater than 250 pounds.

This is the HL1000 unloaded

mechanically advantaged undersea release

The HL1000 loaded with a 10 day release.

mechanically advantaged undersea release

The HL1000 after the release has broken.